The visit by the Provincial Superior of Apostolic Carmel Sr. Maria Shamitha A C, the treasurer Sr. Marina D'cunha A C on 7th October to Ladyhill Institutions was a significant event . It provided an opportunity for the school staff to interact with Sr. Maria Shamitha AC and gain valuable insights and motivation.

   The meeting began by imploring God's blessings through a Divine prayer song led by Ladyhill English Higher Primary teachers. The Headmistress of Ladyhill kannada primary Sr.   Magdalene AC   introduced and welcomed the dignitaries.

    Later, the Provincial Superior had an extensive interaction with the school staff, including teachers, administrators, and support staff. During her visit, the provincial superior delivered an inspiring message to the staff. She emphasized the importance of creativity in teaching and encouraged the educators to think outside the box, adapt to new teaching methods, and engage students in innovative ways.

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    In conclusion,The visit by the Provincial Superior left a lasting impact on the staff of Ladyhill institutions. It was a memorable occasion that reinvigorated the educational community and emphasized the significance of creativity in the field of education.

     Mrs Reema compered the meeting and Mrs Seema of Ladyhill Victoria P U Composite College proposed a vote of thanks.

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