The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) General Body Meeting of Ladyhill English Higher Primary School was held on July 22, 2023, at the school premises. The meeting featured a special guest speaker, Sir Manoj Louis, Assistant Professor at Govt First Grade College in Kavoor, who delivered a talk on "Positive Parenting."

      The program commenced with a grand entrance of the dignitaries, led by the school band, to the venue. The atmosphere was vibrant as everyone gathered for the event. The meeting began with a soulful prayer song, invoking blessings for the success of the event.

      The welcome note was delivered by tr.Mallika expressing gratitude to all the parents, teachers, and guests for their presence. The dignitaries were then introduced by tr. Divya to the audience, acknowledging their valuable contributions to the school and education community.A PowerPoint presentation was shown on the various activities of the PTA during the year 2022-23 and the PTA audited statement of account was placed before the parents by tr. Predita.

      Sir Manoj Louis, the esteemed guest speaker, took the stage and addressed the audience on the topic of "Positive Parenting." His talk covered various aspects of parenting, including the challenges faced by parents, common issues in parenting, the importance of fasting from technology and gadgets for children, and how the collective efforts of parents and teachers can lead to successful students.

       The school took the opportunity to honour Yogini Kavitha Ashok for her remarkable achievement in achieving Sirsa Padmasana, which earned her a place in the India Book of Records. Additionally, student Madhulashree was also recognized for her extraordinary accomplishment in Ganda Bherundasana, securing an entry in the India Book of Records.

         Headmistress Sister Jennifer Moras AC shared valuable insights with the parents on how to ensure the welfare and well-being of their children both at school and at home. Her advice aimed to strengthen the partnership between parents and teachers in fostering a conducive learning environment for the students.

          The PTA General Body Meeting also took the opportunity to express gratitude to the outgoing PTA Executive Committee members of the year 2022-23 for their dedication and hard work in supporting various school activities and initiatives.

        The process of appointing the new PTA Executive Committee for the year 2023-24 was then conducted. Mr. Praveen Kumar was chosen as the Vice President for the upcoming year, and the new committee members were introduced to the attendees.

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         The meeting concluded on a positive note with the school authorities expressing their appreciation to all the parents for their active participation and support. Refreshments were served to the parents, allowing them to engage in informal discussions with the teachers and fellow parents. The event concluded with everyone standing in unison to sing the national anthem, symbolising their unity and commitment to the betterment of education and the future of their children.

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Ladyhill English Higher Primary School
Urwa, Mangalore - 575006


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