The day commenced with a festive atmosphere as the school premises were adorned with vibrant decorations, including Crib, Christmas tree, lights, and festive ornaments.

    The highlight of the celebration was the cultural program organized by the tiny tots of class I A and talented students of class IV B. The program showcased a Christmas tableau which included traditional Christmas carols, dance routines, and skits depicting the nativity story. The participants displayed remarkable creativity and dedication, leaving the audience thoroughly entertained.

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    Additionally, a visit from Santa Claus added an extra layer of excitement. Santa distributed sweets to the students, spreading cheer and laughter among the younger ones.

    Teachers and students alike contributed to the success of the event through the creative live crib presentation reinforcing the spirit of togetherness and festivity within our school community creating lasting memories for everyone involved.

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      Festive Gathering: A festive gathering was held for the School van drivers and the Parent Teacher executive Committee members, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere. This allowed everyone to connect on a personal level and share the joy of the season.

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  "True wealth is measured not by what you have, but by what you share with those who have less."

     The students' compassionate gesture of sharing with the less fortunate during the Christmas season reflects the spirit of giving and goodwill. By distributing essential items and cash with the less fortunate they spread joy and alleviated the struggles of the less fortunate. This act of kindness not only embodies the true essence of Christmas but also strengthens the sense of community and compassion among the students.

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     The Headmistress in her Christmas message urged students to refrain from engaging in detrimental behaviors that could adversely impact their well-being and academic performance. She stressed the significance of positive resolutions for the coming new year, highlighting the role each student plays in creating a positive school environment.

     Thus Christmas celebration in school was a wonderful way to foster a sense of community, promote joy, and instill values of kindness and sharing.

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